- Andre Figurer
- Antikviteter (reproduksjoner)
- Barnehage barn
- Bergen
- Bjeller
- Blyantspissere
- Bronse skulpturer
- Bunad figurer
- Carl Larsson Figurer
- Coasters
- Dompap
- Dyr
- Edvard Munch
- Elg
- Engler
- Fingerbøl
- Fiskere
- Fugler
- Glass
- Gustav Klimt
- Gustav Vigeland
- Hester
- Hunder
- Jakkemerker
- Jegere
- Jul
- Katter
- Klistremerker
- Klokker og Ur
- Kopper og Krus
- Lundefugler
- Lysestaker
- Magneter
- Malerier
- Malerier uten ramme
- Maritimt
- Masaier
- Mona Lærum
- Munker
- Møbler
- Neglefiler
- Nisser
- Nøkkelringer
- Oslo
- Pins
- Porselen
- Påske
- Reflekser
- Reinsdyr
- Religiøse figurer
- Samer
- Santa Lucia
- Glansbilder
- Skulpturer
- Snøkuler
- Snømenn
- Sportsbarn
- Suvenirer
- Sverige
- Tallerkener
- Troll
- T-Skjorter
- Vikinger
- Vinter figurer
- Visdomsord
- Vårfarger
- 17. Mai
Candy Design
Candy Design has been our brand name since 1976 and from 1995 it has also been our company name. We are working as a designer company and throughout the years in business we have developed about 5.000 individual figurines and sculptures which has been sold all over the World in a number of total 25 million pieces. We are constantly working on developing new and interesting products.
Our designers are sculpturing Scandinavian inspired Christmas figurines like gnomes, santas, nisser, angles and nativity sets in addition to the famous Carl Larsson inspired children, Norwegian trolls, Viking related products, Norwegian souvenirs and reproductions of antiques and famous Scandinavian oil paintings.
All our figurines and reproductions of antiques are being hand cast in Poly Resin and thereafter hand painted by the most skilful artists. The reproductions of the oil paintings are also painted by the best of Chinese art students by oil on canvas, framed on a blind frame or completed in frames.
Daily we are receiving inquiries from consumers wishing to purchase a particular figurine or sculpture. As it is difficult for our retail customers to carrying more that a small group of our wide range, it has been a must for us to open our website. This has proven to help bout the consumers as the retail customers to enable them to purchase any product at any time.
Since we opened our website 6 months ago we are now experiencing about 140 visitors every day in November 2005.
You are always welcome to visit our website which all the time is being updated with new developments in angels, religious figures, gnomes, trolls, Viking related products, Carl Larsson children, Raingear children, Norwegian reproductions of antiques, Norwegian souvenirs and Scandinavian Christmas.
Best regards
Ole H. Jensen
Candy Design AS

CANDY DESIGN AS: Orrebakken 5. 0789 Oslo, Norway. mail@candydesign.no Tel: +47 915 24 301